A princess goes to school, bed bugs (or not!), and billboards urge votes against Putin.
Welcome to the Play-by-Play. Every other week, we’re taking three recent stories from our God’s WORLD News publications and breaking them down to help you spark conversation in the home or the classroom.
As you move from discover to explore to discern, the themes go deeper. But any of these stories can work for conversation with the whole family. We’ll also include a Conversation Kickoff to help you break the proverbial ice if your kids aren’t ready to dive deep right away.
This week, we’re noticing a theme of Appearances vs. Reality in Leadership. Keep an eye out for examples of Appearances vs. Reality in Leadership as you discuss these stories.

A princess goes to school.
🧠 What do we need to know about this story?
Princess Leonor of Spain is just 18 years old. She will spend the next three years in three military schools—army, navy, and air force—learning to lead.
❤️️ How does this story affect our understanding?
What image pops into your head when you think of a “princess”? How does Princess Leonor differ from that image? What makes a good leader? Why should a queen-to-be go to military school? Does the life of a royal appear to be about being served? What is good royal leadership really about?
✋ How does this story inspire our actions?
Jesus said that “whoever would be great among you must be your servant.” (Matthew 20:26) Take on a family service project this holiday season by gift-buying for people in need, showing hospitality, visiting a shut-in or a nursing home, or serving at a food bank.

Bed Bugs! Or Not.
🧠 What do we need to know about this story?
Greece has a problem—but not with bedbugs. It has a problem with hoaxers pretending there are bedbugs to keep tourists away. Tourists from other countries rent Greek homes at high prices for short stays. Local folks can’t find affordable places to live.
❤️️ How does this story affect our understanding?
Why do people feel that short-term rental houses hurt their communities? Is it right for people to make fake bedbug signs to try to protect their community? Look for the reality under the appearance. Bedbugs are aggravating. But the fake warnings hide this deeper difficulty: Many Greeks need decent housing. What would good leadership look like in this situation? A good leader often has to find a helpful compromise between groups with different needs. The Greek economy relies on tourism. But Greek people still need affordable homes. How could a leader serve both tourists and citizens well?
✋ How does this story inspire our actions?
Look up the average cost of long-term living in your town. Compare that number to the cost of a short-term rental like an Airbnb or hotel. Do the math. How much would renting at this higher amount cost per year?
Conversation Kickoff! If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? And once you got there, where would you want to stay? Tent or hotel? Beach house or cabin? Who would you take along?

Billboards Urge Votes against Putin
🧠 What do we need to know about this story?
Activists in Russia posted billboards disguised as New Year’s greetings. A QR code on the signs led to a website titled “Russia without Putin.” The site encourages voters to oppose the longtime Russian leader in the March 17 presidential election. Several billboards were swiftly removed last week.
❤️️ How does this story affect our understanding?
Why did anti-Putin activists need to hide their message? Why would a powerful leader like Putin fear opposition? And why bother having an election if opposition isn’t genuinely allowed? Does Russia’s election just have the appearance of democracy? What reality
lies beneath?
✋ How does this story inspire our actions?
Look up wicked rulers in the Bible. Pray for the citizens of Russia who long for justice in their nation.
For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart. — 1 Samuel 16:7
Together, let’s get the conversation started. He has equipped you for the work.